Sunday, August 19, 2007


Yesterday I watched the final two episodes in the Buffy the Vampire series. It doesn't sound like a great way to spend a gorgeous Saturday afternoon (hey--I went outside, too), but it seemed momentous, given that I'd been slowly making my way through the series on DVD since January 2005.

So what am I going to do tomorrow? Maybe I'll set the world on fire. Or maybe I'll start on the other 213 DVDs in my Netflix queue. The possibilities are endless.


Deano said...

I know that Giles ended up in Little britain, but what happened to the rest of them: i never did make it to the end.

Coloradan said...

Since you asked, I had to do some IMDB work:
-Sarah Michelle: various horror movies, including recent blockbuster Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
-Nick Brennan: various TV shows you've never heard of
-Alyson Hannigan: Veronica Mars (RIP!), How I Met Your Mother
-James Marsters: The IMDB claims otherwise, but I think he's been pretty much MIA since Angel
-Michelle Trachtenberg: One word: Eurotrip!

Buffy, Anya, and, of course, Seth Green have all been on Robot Chicken.

Deano said...

Eurotrip is awesome, really inspired me to go there someday (but don't tell Scotty)

Joey said...

Mmmmm, Robot Chicken!! New Season started, new season started!

LittlestWinslow said...

Buffy is the shit. It's a shame too many people came to the game too late - but regardless...thank god for DVD.

If everyone had dropped their preconceived notions of what the show could've had KILLER ratings. It really is one of the best shows of our time.