Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Circadian rhythms

For about two weeks now I've had trouble sleeping. It takes me forever to get to sleep, and then sometimes I wake up in the wee hours and have to start all over again. I don't know why this is--I certainly don't have jet lag. It's as though my body has suddenly decided that it only wants to sleep in the afternoon. And no, insomnia detectives, my problem is not an excess of naps: I think I've taken a grand total of two naps during this sleepless phase.

The strange thing is that while I've been tired, I haven't really been more tired than usual during the day. Which leads me to wonder if I've suddenly started needing less sleep. I remember thinking around the time I started watching Heroes on DVD that if I could pick a superpower, I'd want to be able to go without sleep. Think about it--you could pack two lifetimes' worth of activities into one! But I also distinctly remember thinking that this would only be a good power if I could sleep when I wanted to, because I like sleeping. Hear me, careful-what-you-wish-for gods?


towwas said...

Woo! Go superpower! Yeah, that's another thing Insomnia Experts have told me - some people just think they need more sleep than they do, so they spend a lot of time getting all worked up about it. (The #1 thing I learned about insomnia: getting all worked up about it is not productive.)

Anonymous said...


I was expecting a sleep-deprived, stream-of-consciousness posting. This one is entirely too coherent.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to include this:

It doesn't work for me, but I heard that melatonin (in a capsule) can help.

Anonymous said...

You are obviously not drinking enough. Get a bottle of $2 red down you neck, you'll be out like a light!

Joey said...

Have you tried reading my blog? If that doesn't knock you out, I don't know what will.