Sunday, April 27, 2008

Up and coming

I noticed this week that one of the buildings in my neighborhood will be hosting Artomatic this year. A bit of background: Nothing fun really goes on my in neighborhood, as far as I can tell. I was excited last weekend to find out there's apparently a good Thai restaurant... a mere six block away from my place.

A few days after I spotted the Artomatic building, I saw a poster advertising an outdoor Bond film series just north of my metro stop. That's right, every Thursday night all summer long I'll be able to go see a Bond movie, for free, from a hilly overgrown triangle of land formed by two busy roads and a railroad track.

Ok, astute readers may have perceived that I'm a bit dubious about the Bond thing. The intersection of New York and Florida Avenues does seem like a terrible spot for outdoor films, and apparently this series was dreamed up by the same optimists who've attempted to dub this part of town "Capitol Hill North." But I'm also intrigued.


Anonymous said...

I'm trying to figure out what Artomatic actually is. It seems to be like Ithaca Festival, except longer, more pretentious, and - er - artier.

Anonymous said...

Hey, cool, OpenID commenting. That means you can post a link back here if you want when you comment on my LiveJournal.

Coloradan said...

No, it's really nothing like the Ithaca Festival (or did you mean Light in Winter? It's not like that, either). From what I saw last year, it's a vast unused office space that artists take over and put art everywhere in lots of different mediums, including video and Peeps (though painting and photography are the most common). There are also some live music performances, and probably some other components I'm forgetting. But why am I describing it when I can attempt to use my knowledge of html to link to it?

towwas said...

I've never been to Artomatic, but you should totally tell me when the Bond movies are on. Especially the new one. That Daniel Craig, he's somethin special.

Deano said...

ah Bond; reminds me of my favorite AP sketch :)
Never sat Alan again