Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bus rage

I interrupt my long blogging hiatus to bring you this story (with a strong warning that it is NSFM - not suitable for mealtime).

Three thoughts:
  1. This story is a week old. How did I just hear about it today? Are my friends too tasteful to post it on their Gmail Talk status lines?
  2. Whoever dreamed up this ad campaign had clearly never ridden a Greyhound bus, or been anywhere near a terminal.
  3. Wow.


towwas said...

Yeah, I only heard about that yesterday. And, must say, I was NOT tempted to post it in my facebook status. Ugh.

towwas said...

(Or rather my gtalk status. You know what I mean.)

Anonymous said...

I usually don't bother updating my status line about things I figure everyone has heard about.