Sunday, November 09, 2008

What I did on my October vacation

I'm back! For those who haven't heard me talk about it ad nauseum already, here's where I've been: China for three weeks on vacation, California for just over a week (at a conference and a wedding), back in DC for a week trying to catch up on things.

I'm going to try blogging my trip backward, Momento-style. It might be more interesting that way, and because of the reverse-chronological nature of blogs, latecomers will be able to read about my trip in order. I've put together a basic map of where I went; if I get more ambitious later on, I'll add pictures, chronology, etc.


towwas said...

Ad nauseam? Chatty and I had to practically beg to get you to tell us anything at all on Friday.

Anonymous said...

Ask her about the fruit. The fruit that burned. The fruit that burned for days.

Coloradan said...

Oh, THAT fruit. We'll get to that in week 2...