Thursday, January 10, 2008


I was feeling like a bad Washingtonian for choosing my preferred candidate based on his or her charisma, so I decided to take this handy quiz to see who I'd vote for if I were judging based on Issues. And, well, I defy anyone to find meaningful differences between the Democratic candidates' positions on just about anything (I didn't attempt to slog through the Republicans).

Maybe this is news only to me--I've studiously avoided watching the debates so far. Or maybe people in the blue states are right now passionately debating whether there should be a timeline for troop withdrawal from Iraq, or just a commitment to get out of there ASAP. Maybe I'll be a good Washingtonian and do some of my own research on, say, the candidates' health care proposals, but for now I'm going to make this bold pronouncement: All the Democratic candidates are the same. Charisma is all we have to go on.

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