Thursday, January 24, 2008


There's an old Chinese man who plays outside various Metro stations with a traditional-sounding instrument (I think it's called an erhu) and a recorded accompaniment. I like it when I catch him--it adds a touch of the exotic to my day.

This morning I was riding up the escalator and heard him playing, so I took out off my headphones to listen. As I got closer it became clear that, yes, he was playing Celine Dion's theme from Titanic. Yikes.


towwas said...

I love that guy! I also think it's an erhu. Which means either it's an erhu or we westerners don't know enough different one-stringed Chinese instruments.

Anonymous said...

I am reminded of when we were in San Fran. There was one of those musicians playing his heart out in Chinatown and I realized he was playing Auld Lang Syne...

It was still really enjoyable; in fact, it may have been an improvement...