Sunday, November 26, 2006


On Thursday morning I flew down to Charlotte, NC to visit high school friend D.S. We made some Thanksgiving-esque side dishes and spent some quality time doing a whole lot of nothing. I'd never been to North Carolina before; my first impressions were:
  • The weather is great
  • The place is replete with SUVs and thin bottle blondes in tight jeans and high heels
  • It takes half an hour to get anywhere.
Last night we ate a lot of cheap sushi with a couple of D.S.'s friends and then went to this club, which I found surprisingly fun. I guess I was due for some dancing.

We closed the place down, and back at D.S.'s place we had a long conversation about race and class and how some things about Pueblo weren't that bad. I went to bed at 4:00 and woke up at 6:30 to catch my flight to BWI, so the trip would have been somewhat brutal even if I hadn't had a middle seat next to a broad-shouldered man. I've developed a bad habit of sleeping through the drink service and waking up parched while the flight attendants are collecting the last of the garbage.

I arrived at my metro stop at around 11:00 and was cheered by the blue sky and fresh fall air on the final, pedestrian leg of my journey. Then I came home to my lonely cat and slept for most of the afternoon.

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