Monday, November 20, 2006


K was in town this past weekend, which gave me a reason to explore some new parts of the city: a jazz bar on U Street, Eastern Market, an amateur production of The Crucible. We also tried Ethiopian food, which may become a kind of rite for people who come to visit me. K flew out today, and the weather promptly went from comfortable-with-a-sweatshirt to unpleasantly cold. It hasn't taken long since moving from Ithaca for me to become completely unused to low temperatures, with dramatic results: last time the weather turned chilly I broke out in hives, and I'm afraid it might be happening again.

Hives! I am officially allergic to cold. I wonder if I could parlay this into being allowed to work from home?


towwas said...

Ooh! I like the new design!

Cold makes me wheeze. I should totally be able to work at home until April

Annie said...

Oh my god, I get cold-hives, too, and a lot of people don't believe me! It's horrible because my work involves rooting around in freezers quite often, leaving my hands all itchy! But it tends to come and go. It will be bad for a week and then subside for a few weeks, and then come back for a week... I bet yours will go away again soon.

Coloradan said...

Turns out my friend in Charlotte gets them too, so I don't feel so alone now :)