Monday, February 19, 2007

California girl

Just got back from a week in San Francisco: part work, part play. I hadn't been to the West Coast at all in two and a half years (except for Peru), so it was very exciting. There are myriad things I could blog about from the trip, and maybe I will if I'm feeling ambitious lately, but I think for now I'll just say that it was a fantastic trip, and that I got to catch up with friends from college, friends from grad school, friends I met in Ithaca, and people I've met at various meetings, so it was action-packed.

NSCV was there, and got me a new tacky souvenir pig. It's official: I am the pig lady. But please do not send me any ugly pigs. It's only cute if NSCV does it.


Deano said...

You know that whenever you blog about something it mysteriously appears in the post ;)

Coloradan said...

No, that's only when I blog about wanting or needing something. And I explicitly wrote that I don't want or need any more pigs!

Deano said...

Oh well, 'pigs will fly' as they say ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, so I guess I should return this, huh?