Sunday, February 11, 2007

Obama's Space

In the wake of yesterday's announcement, has added a crazy social-networking component where you can create a profile, upload a picture, search for other supporters, find campaign events to go to, blog about how much you love Barack Obama, and even track your personal progress in raising money for the campaign. Best of luck, Barry--I just hope you don't get sued by Rupert Murdoch.

Even though I'm very, very happy that Obama is running, I'm disturbed that he's running almost two years before the election. If this election sets a precedent--and don't they all?--I'm looking at having presidential campaigns running for half of my adult life. Makes me seriously re-think wanting to live in a democracy.

1 comment:

towwas said...

I've heard several times that, based on the primary schedule, the democratic candidate will be decided a year from now. When you hear that, it seems more reasonable to announce now. I'm still ready to start researching dictatorships, though.