Thursday, March 06, 2008

My stats

Here's an email I just got:
subject: [Coloradan], you are more desired than 79% of all people.

This email was sent by Social Profile. You can disable emails here.
In total, you were reviewed for dating 5 times and 2 people expressed interest in you.
You are more desirable than 79% of 23,337,936 people.

Check your Social Profile

I have to say, I thought the "compare people" application on Facebook sounded potentially dangerous and tactless when I first heard about it, but then TOWWAS made it sound all fun and wholesome. And now look where I am: trying not to think too hard about who those five people might have been. Cousins? Ex-boyfriends? People I just don't think about, you know, that way?

I wish I'd saved the Social Profile email I got a few weeks ago, which offered unsolicited observations about my "strengths" and areas I needed to work on, based on my rankings (fortunately, not the dating rankings that time). Strengths included that people wouldn't mind being stuck in handcuffs, stranded on a desert island, or just hanging out with me for the day. (It feels good to be tolerable.)

Things I'm ranked very low on include being outgoing, being powerful, and (quel horreur!) having a nice laugh.


Anonymous said...

"You are 76% more deisrable than 23,337,936 people..."

That's information I wouldn't really know how to process...does this mean I'm cool?

Does this mean there are 23,337,936 total wumps out there and I'm just 24% percent shy of achieving total wumpage myself????

I think if I were on facebook I'd have a complex....

towwas said...

Yeah, I find compare people endlessly amusing. Right now I'm Miss Shirley's #3 hottest female friend.

Coloradan said...

Well, you're my #2 hottest female friend. Which is surprisingly low, given that you're #1 (of both genders) in every other category: smartest, most valued as a friend, most desirable, best personality, and best co-worker. I can see why you find it endlessly amusing :)

towwas said...

Whoa! Go me!