Saturday, July 22, 2006

New Shoes

Yesterday after work I went shopping. I wanted some summery office clothes, but I ended up with three pairs of shoes, a book, one very expensive undergarment, and one lonely skirt. In my defense, I found the shoes at a pricey shop in Georgetown where everything is made in Europe and both cute AND comfortable, and they were on sale. Being that walking is my main mode of transportation now, I feel good shoes are important.

New Shoes New Shoes
New Shoes

By the way, the second pair are the first pair of flip flops I've owned since I was a little girl and wore the plastic kind. Yes, I'm a little behind the times.

I was thinking as I was taking the metro from work to Georgetown and then home how strange it is to actually be living in a city. I'm always a visitor in cities, unless you count Colorado Springs (really just a spiral of suburbs around a pitiful downtown) or London (where I spent three weeks once).

On the way home I bought a bag of cat treats and a can of tuna cat food for poor Rocky, who as far as I could tell had not eaten in the two days since I'd brought her home. It worked, sort of: Rocky the scaredy-cat has eaten a few treats, but more excitingly she's venturing out now periodically to demand attention. She still spends a lot of time under the bed and in the closet, but when in the closet she's not huddled in the corner or in her covered litterbox. She's just hanging out in the closet.

So it seems Rocky may decide to end her hunger strike and live with me after all. More updates to come.


towwas said...

Hey! Welcome to the bloggy world! I mean, I know you were blogging before, but anything that's not on blogspot is dead to me.

Anonymous said...


towwas said...

Also: cute shoes, dude!!