Monday, August 14, 2006

31 Days in DC

Well, I've been here a month now, and here's a short list of things I've done: unpacked, started a new job, acquired a futon and a cat, sold my car, started reading Wonkette, read Middlesex, watched 5/6 of the first season of Veronica Mars, met a half-second cousin, started a new blog, and gotten a haircut. The last might not sound like a big deal to normal people, but it had been six months. I was gently reprimanded about the state of my split ends.

I've become
addicted to Veronica Mars, so much so that I added her to my MySpace friends. The final disk (in which the big mystery is finally solved) arrives tomorrow from Netflix--a big moment for me. Season Two is coming out this month, but I'm going to try taking at least a few months break before diving into that one. That might give me time to take care of some of the more interesting items on my to-do list, like finding a new tae kwon do school and taking Chinese. Not to mention decorating my apartment.

By the way, anybody have suggestions on what to do when your walls are so hard that nails bend when you try to hang pictures?


Anonymous said...

Try painting them with accurate versions of the pictures you wish to hang. Or finding the mortar between the bricks and pounding the nails there. Having a brick house, I've found the latter matter to be particularly effective.

towwas said...

When I got a haircut last month, it had been 11 months. He didn't reprimand me too harshly, though. He was like, ok, I took off two inches, so now there's no split ends, so next time you won't have to have more than a half inch taken off! And I was like, dude, you're assuming I'm going to get a haircut before next July. I think you might be wrong to assume that.

Anonymous said...

Diamond-tipped drill bit?

Seriously, you'll need to drill into the wall. You could also get some of these fancy fancy hooks.