Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Overheard 2

I rode the metro this evening next to a small group of high schoolers. I was reading the Atlantic and they were chatting and giggling; I wasn't paying much attention to them. Then, just before I got off, they started saying things like,

"Oh, yeah, we could form an ad hoc committee, but anything could be an ad hoc committee!"
"But I don't think we should follow Robert's Rules of Order."

Sure, maybe this could have happened anywhere. Maybe they were in the equivalent of Boys and Girls State, like we had in Colorado (do they have those in other states?). But I prefer to think that Washington is the kind of place where conversations about ad hoc committees can happen anytime, to anyone.

Hot tip: Greg's brain is now your brain. Yes, you can find out everything you need to know on his new blog. A bonus is that he's decided to show off his knowledge of HTML by making it all green and plant-y.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, I'm really showing off my ability to rip off other peoples templates (with attribution, of course)!